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Cayman investment funds is a testament to Darwin's theory of evolution, which takes place over a long period of time. Even if it takes years, as thousands of years, however, seems to modernize the rules governing the fund industry is a complex process, Cayman.

The rapid growth of the hedge fund industry in Cayman is the context in which the revision of the scheme in progress. The number of funds registered or approvedwith the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) growth has been incredible.

CIMA, a working group comprising representatives of the Fund Managers Association of Cayman Islands, Cayman Islands, the Society of Chartered Accountants has been established that the bar of the Cayman Islands and the Cayman Islands Bar Association review of the recommendations of the policy itself, the CIMA and The research examined the regulation of mutual fundsIndustry.

The working group aims to improve the regulation of fund industry to meet the needs of a competitive offshore financial center and international standards have a balance of offshore financial center request made by a number of international organizations.

It is likely that created four instead of two categories. The categories are the chances of a common standard for funds offered to the publicpublicly managed funds (no subscription minimum) with a private fund manager Cayman License relating to registration of the registered (minimum subscription of U.S. $ 10,000), companies of funds held prescribed or approved or approved in a prescribed area license and professional fund offered only to professional investors, with a minimum of formats.

Confusion, the name of the law "mutual funds" has caused the Cayman Islands so that the work of The group proposes to change the name of the Investment Company Act, the law on investment funds. Those who would be the difficulty of reconciling a mutual fund as an investment fund that can accept a hedge fund is a mutual fund.

Another proposal of the working group, which may not save money to cover the market participants have this result, namely to release the proposal to grant more powers to CIMA for the purposes of reviewing a license or registration> Fund. If a fund has been launched, or when a compensation fund for investors with only a few examples in which this exemption may be desirable to have it.

The above is only an idea of the changes can be expected, is not a complete list of all possible reforms into practice. The timing of application is difficult to predict, but the review process is current year and conclude in May, although the new laws and regulations should be developeddeveloped and approved by the granting of time, the new rules.

Previously Cayman regulators were able to achieve the delicate balance of finding the right balance between regulation and the sector needs money and wants more in a foreign jurisdiction is bound to increase already in high demand. Their hope is that the Cayman Islands remain the natural choice of professional backgrounds.

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They say it is impossible to beat the market? This goal effectively and Boglehead crowd. I wonder passive index funds, Large Cap S & P500, after last year, 5 years, and a huge 8.78% YTD. RBS is a symbol, the equal weight S & P 500 Index.

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If no one can beat the market, because large firms give more weight? The only way that differs from the PSB is designed to give small businesses a greater say, which in his time of more distortion due to low market capitalization, which is well documented, even by large firms - the parents of efficient market hypothesis, Fama and French.

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The performance of mutual funds is highly dependent on the fund manager. If an experienced managers and professionals managing the fund, will be a success. The manager's role is very important, investment strategies have been developed by him. The manager should prepare for the unexpected and unpredictable market fluctuations. In a recession, to invest, as crucial to strategic. The analysis and further research is needed on the part of administrators. Themanager fees will be paid a percentage of net asset value of the Fund. Management fees are directly proportional to the performance of mutual funds. An administrator has the skills and credentials for the implementation of the past. It 'a very responsible position and requires a thorough knowledge of stocks and other financial markets. In general, a fund invested in equities, bonds, money market instruments, bonds andetc. Therefore, it is imperative that the Director taking into account all the financial markets.

How does a mutual fund?

An investment fund is a system that increases the money from many investors and invests in various financial markets. The money will be committed in a society, but they differ in different markets. This diversification reduces the risk of losses. The risk is distributed among various companies, so that Even if a company fails, others can compensate for the losses. Equity investments of the Fund in the form of units and its market price is called the net asset value or NAV. If an investor buys a mutual fund, which receives a certain number of shares of the Fund. The units remain the same, but the NAV may depend on the performance of mutual funds and market conditions. Mutual Funds> are subject to market risk, but the risk is lower than other financial instruments traded openly. You are responsible for several advantageous properties such as liquidity, economies of scale, professional management and diversification of investments, among others.

A house of mutual funds, operates and manages the fund. Every house has different types of funds of funds, and you can select which one best suits your needs. There are three mainFunds>: open-end funds, closed-end funds and investment companies. Open-ended funds are generally equity-oriented and a bit 'risky than funds being completed. Depending on risk tolerance, you can choose a fund investment. Age plays an important role in determining the risk factor. If you are between twenty and thirty years, then a high risk and high yield funds are agreed in May. However, if you are in a period of over forty yearsthen satisfy a low risk / moderate return of funds to meet their needs. What type of fund you choose, is the performance of mutual funds that decide your profits.

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Back in depressed people commit suicide after losing their savings, homes and everything they owned. In 1987, people jumping out of windows and now in 2008 the stock market headed in 8000 points and the global economy faces an adaptation of the restructuring. Some people are stressed out, wondering if they are investing for eternity.

After all, those who are in real estate investing a tremendous amount of grants and many havelost everything after taking off because they had negative equity. The people who invest in the stock markets see all their gains over the past 5 years, almost disappearing during the night (some weeks) and those who want the money in my bank if your bank the order will be the end of next business day.

Where is the best place to put your money where you keep your money where it is grown? What is the best investment for you in this troubling and turbulenteconomic times, you ask? Well, first of all I want to emphasize that most Americans are basically economically illiterate, without time for money, how the stock market, elements and principles of risk and reward, bonds, mutual funds, investments, or concepts allocation of the portfolio.

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Investment funds are a special type of mutual funds that invest in stocks and bonds. The pros and cons of these funds will be discussed.

A balanced fund invests about 45 percent to 55 percent in equities and other fixed income securities. You have an equal share of debt and equity. In case of a collapse of the stock market, provides for the liability component is made much higher, and The damages sustained by the component of equity. In the case of a stock market and rising bond prices fall, the equity component of compensation for the same.

The advantages of this type of investment is that there are moderate returns, but that the security of capital guarantees a high degree.

The advantages of this fund is that it minimizes the risk of investing in the capital market.

The disadvantage is that more snacks> The stock market is not able to achieve maximum performance, the allocation of capital because of its low altitude.

This fund is good for people with low risk.

This fund is suitable for people in older age groups. E 'for people who save money to meet a short-long-term goal for the good. Not for people who receive a significant equity exposure is recommended. For them, pure equity funds may be proposed schemes. Careful investors exposure to a broadAmount of capital and wants to protect their capital, by contrast, may opt for this type of plan.

Thus, a mixed fund is a fund, a good moderate risk, capital protection, with a percentage share of equity capital also.

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If you are not satisfied with the returns to produce your current Roth IRA investment or retirement accounts for that matter? Have you ever heard of a self-directed Roth IRA? Find out in this article, as you double or even triple the return you can get straight with the use of a self-directed Roth IRA.

First, lets go over the advantages of Roth IRA investments. Unlike a traditional IRA, money has been completed in retirement, not subject to a Roth IRA. But allContributions are with U.S. dollars after taxes and are not tax deductible. The big idea with a Roth IRA investments, after the account owner makes money on the account is that all the money made (including any income with the money) will never be taxed again, providing more money for retirement.

But let's take a step further. Roth IRA investments may be addressed themselves. This is when the account holder and forward, is for what happens to the funds in the responsibilityAccount, all with the help of a "consultant" or "trustee".

See for yourself what a Roth IRA prevented dealings? It prevents your regular use IRA/401k investment advisor, your money is best benefit to the financial institution with which they work. If this is the installation of the account holders' interests and goals are often pushed into the long grass on the left, while they earn a good return for himself. Most of the time, they would ensure only, as a minimum return of 8% or 10%, and theyYou collect all the additional resources they use your money with "mandatory fees" for all of their opinion.

With a self directed Roth IRA is, this is not the case. You get to decide what you want to invest, and you can learn more about the money you make from your investment holding. And although there are many benefits to you with a self-directed IRA, only very few people go this route. Whether it is because they do not want to continue to share the efforts, or they are afraid it is too much time andEnergy, or maybe they know nothing about investing, they scare away the people. And as a result, they settle back with a minimum and let keep the investment companies for the rest. Is that a lot of sense?

Another advantage of the possession of a self directed Roth IRA is the number of assets you can drag in the account. So rather than relying on a few species of shares or other Investments Limited, a much wider, you can keep what your chances of a generous return much better.With a self directed Roth IRA, you can stocks, mortgages, franchises, partnerships, investment funds, holding private equity, and much more. To produce one of the hottest ways to make a profit with a Roth IRA investment real estate. It is definitely investigate something you should be with.

But did you know that there are companies owning an IRA even make it easier than ever before? These companies, almost all the work for you. As with real estate, youYou can put your pension into a self directed account and designate a company to take everything else. This includes the real estate search, all repairs and renovations that the buyers are looking for, and all necessary documents and formalities. That means you, the investor, all the benefits without any of the leg work to get.

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Investment funds are good options for American investors to take to achieve their financial goals. These funds offer professional management and diversification of the fund invested. Mutual funds assets in 1990-2000 rose from 1.065 trillion to a whooping 6.965 trillion U.S. dollars. 10% Americans owned funds in 1980 and 2000 the proportion rose to 49%.

What are mutual funds?

A company, which are in mutual > Fund invests the money of several investors in bonds, equities, securities, receivables and several other short-term money market instruments. The combined 'holdings' owned by the investment fund known as its portfolio. When you invest in a mutual fund you are a shareholder of the Company. Each share in a fund company is the representation of he investor's proportion to the Fund's investments and the income generated. You earn dividends when the > Fund company make a profit, but your shares will decrease in value if it faces a loss. A professional investment manager is the buying and selling securities for the growth of the fund.

Types of investment funds:

Equity funds: These funds involve only common stock investments. You can achieve much profit, but are also very risky.

Fixed income funds: They include corporate and government bonds. These > Funds offer fixed returns at low risk.

Balanced funds: This is the combination of bonds and stocks with a low risk. However, the investment does not earn a lot through these funds.

How does it work?

Mutual fund shares can be purchased by the company itself or a broker. There are also secondary market investors, such as the New York Stock Exchange. Per share net asset value of the funds or NAV is the price you pay for the purchase of a> Investment funds shares. This also includes the shareholder fee that is charged by the Fund at the time of purchase. The best feature of mutual funds is that these shares 'redeemed'. You can, as an investor to sell your shares back to the broker. To make room for new investors, fund companies generally new shares and sell them. They keep selling their shares continuously till they become large. Investment Advisers Act as separate entities and areresponsible for managing the investment portfolio of the Fund. investing in mutual funds tends to lower the risk factor, since it is the result of different investments. Since someone else manages your investments, you need not worry about keeping constant tabs on the investment, though a regular review of your personal book of accounts increases. Management of funds is the full time task of the manager and he is for the power and responsibilityHealth of the investment.

The share of income of the Fund is on the increase or decrease in value during a given period is based. Is giving a fund's track record. It is important to remember that the value in the past can not guarantee future results.

As with any investment or business strategy, investment and risks associated with the returns. It is important to your financial goals and requirements set before investingin a mutual fund.

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Recently have been difficult for investors. Some have made the situation worse by buying and selling at the wrong time. For most people, the normal emotional response to rising markets is confident and positive. This can lead to the desire to increase risk-taking and after the purchase of risky assets to potentially high price. The opposite is true for the big market drops. Our emotions can tell us, in a train or to avoid risks, although perhaps the chances for higher returnsis greatest.

For this and other reasons, notoriously poor market timers, individual investors such as fund cash flows are occupied. For example, The Wall Street Journal recently reported that fund research firm, Morningstar, noted that investors are more than 300 billion U.S. dollars of new money contributed to equity in the period of six years from 2002 to 2007, much of it close to market highs . If prices fall, investorsdelivered more than 150 billion U.S. dollars. According to the Hulbert Financial Digest, the total cost of the poor timing for equity investors for more than 42 billion U.S. dollars for the 12 months to 31 May 2009.

As a possible explanation for this behavior could be the interesting work which is being done when the field of neuroscience, where researchers, the brain's response to stimuli study in an attempt to better understand the human decision-making. The results are scientifically confirmed whatBehavioral finance economists suggested for some time: people are not hard-wired to be good, as investors their emotions and other "normal" reactions to their ability to reason rationally and make wise decisions in certain circumstances can overtake.

Brain scans show that there are two parts of the human brain, which in entirely different ways. The prefrontal cortex is the rational, sober part of the brain that is used in long term, the logical thinking. Thelimbic system, on the other side of the brain is short-term, emotional side often leads to difficulties for investors. Under certain conditions, can take over our emotional brain and cause us to, too poor, irrational decisions.

In a study published in 2005, provided researchers at Carnegie Mellon, Stanford and the University of Iowa finds that people with a diminished ability to experience emotions better investment decisions in a simple investment game. The game involved a series ofRounds in which players can decide not whether to invest or to hypothetical money. Each round has been structured to have a positive expected return on investment, so that a rational player willing to invest in each round should be independent of what in earlier. Not surprisingly, the normal, non-affected players were often affected by the recent results and were reluctant to invest after a series of losses. The players with impaired emotional function, and invested more regular basisbetter because they are less affected by anxiety and were more willing to take risks.

That was just a simple game with imaginary money. Imagine how much more could the game in the real world with multiple sources of uncertainty and real money at stake.

Evolutionary biologists believe that humans developed to protect these anxiety response as a survival mechanism against robbers. But in a world where we are not threatened by predators, this fear system over-sensitive,leads us to respond to threats exist, not really. This can lead to irrational decisions and bad financial decisions.

What can investors do to neutralize the impact of their feelings and more intelligent investment decisions? Here are some suggestions:

Stay disciplined - too much emphasis on short-term market movements or popular, may cause alarming market outlook that you develop an irrational feeling of fear. Turn on your investment "noise"have the belief that markets work, and remain committed to your long-term goals.

Diversified will be - a balanced portfolio can smooth the highs and lows, reducing the likelihood that large losses will send your short-term, emotional brain in full swing.

Ignore based the recent past - your brain is hardwired to projections on past trends by finding patterns in the data, even if none exists. This can be very dangerous for your financialHealth. Concentrate ignore in the long run, random, short-term fluctuations.

Write an Investment Policy Statement - you should develop and pursue a comprehensive investment policy statement that your important goals and outlines a strategy to achieve them. Having a written policy makes it likely that a prudent way to proceed if your emotions tell you otherwise.

Rebalance - consistently repositioning your portfolio to target allocationsis a proven way to keep your investment portfolio at a specified level of risk.

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The stock market has been going up for the
last three years. Are you rich yet? What most
Investors do not remember it, is not how much you made,
to think but how much of what has been you.

There were thousands of paper millionaires
2000, wishing, they had known to sell than to
that time. Of course, hind sight is always 20/20. Is
It was a method used has been that
would have given an investor a chance to keep most
his money?Yes, but even if your broker knew
it would discourage his brokerage firm, say

If you had known and said he would be your broker
have dismissed the idea, and when his boss found out
He encourages his clients to follow the method
he would probably have been dismissed. It is an easy exit
Strategy, by all prudent investors during the bear

There are two possibilities, his money.

Open a simple trailing stop loss order is simple,but
requires your attention on a regular basis. You must
first decide how much you are willing to risk. Many
professional dealers recommend 10%, but the
could be based on market conditions and the type of equity it be
more or less. If in doubt 10% is a good number.

Another very good equity Protector is a
simple moving average. The shorter the period
The faster a position to leave. Many
Stocks have a history of violenceUps and downs. For
the non-professional, it is best to invest in
No-load mutual funds and use a longer time
Period simple moving average.

Even a simple moving average must be mastered.
Many texts about the technical talk of trade measures if
penetrated the line, but experience shows
the direction of the line is the key to
largest gains.

A long-term 200-day moving average uses
considers the investmentInvestor in the situation
as the line is ascending. When the line turns
the investor sells. The 200 line for investment funds
is not affected by the daily movements of stocks
within the Fund,

The observation will show that once there is a trend
either up or down, it will last for a considerable
Time-usually years. During this downward
Hours of investors do not give back earlier gains.
That is the key to therich with stocks.

In recent years many smart investors
found to bear funds. These are very special
Funds in the opposite direction of the general
Stock market. Do not allow 401K-type plans
Short-selling, but to allow purchase of this type of
Investment funds. Now, the investor can earn money while
the market goes down and up.

Brokers will not help you with this plan, but
It is yourMoney. Unless you assume you'll never
able to answer "yes" to this important question.

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Home building typically requires financing. And there are many options to consider if you plan to finance and build a house. If you have read my article on the financing of the construction or alteration of your project, you are aware of many of the options. Under the equity you have in other personal assets can be the easiest and sometimes the cheapest way to get money to build.

If you are able to create your new home to go without fundsthrough the pain and the fear of mediation for a construction loan, you're in good shape! There are two good ways to do this. One possibility is to other real estate that is not burdened with a loan from their own. It could be the house you're living in now. If the equity or the value exceeds the cost of the house you want to build, then you're in business. Although it is rare, there are some countries or other places that you can limit your credit line loans, so you should check themLaws.

Another excellent option would be to use your investment portfolio as collateral. I have customers that have considerable investment accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, etc. and in many cases you can borrow against them had begun to have had. Always check with your investment manager before doing so. This article is not making recommendations to consider, however, pointing out possibilities for you. What is successful for the other may not work forThem.

Construction loans are complicated animals. And they are not cheap, either to purchase. So one of these two strategies instead of life would be much easier for you. The time and money saved can be used for better purposes, put directly into your building process. You can save as much as 2 to 4 months! The following overview gives you a good idea of the benefits:

There is little or no qualification for that money.
The project does not needthey meet the standards of this money, because it is not even considered when making access arrangements for this money.
It is cost effective in the establishment of this kind of loans.
The paperwork will be introduced to these loans minimal compared to home loans.
If there is access to your money is a simple process.
You maintain control over the money and the payoff.
There is no deposit required, because no money is taken directly against the project.
No assessment is requiredFor the same reason. However, an assessment of the property, as well as the ultimate finished product, is advisable.
There is no cost to manage the withdrawal of funds.


You must be sure the value of your assets is considerably greater than the funds for your construction needs are, or you may need to add additional funds for the project.
It can borrow money against assets, jeopardize all assets that fluctuatein value. It is best, stable investments as collateral.
Often, the money thus obtained should be used only for short periods. Fortunately, this is usually the case with the construction loan.
Depending on how you go about the construction, the developer can place the funds with a building money management escrow funds are to ensure that funds are available when needed (this is sometimes fund as a "builder of control '. )
Funds will be made this waycreate interest and may also require the monthly payments.

If these options work for you and your advisor agree it is a good way to finance the construction of your new house. You can always reduce costs, time, trouble and confusion, you are better. This money is only for a short time as once the house is built is required, you will repay the asset-backed loan with a new mortgage.

One final thought. Although it will require no construction lender, and all othernormal pre-construction steps should be taken. You have to work with the client to know to evaluate construction costs, with time frames, you will receive your statement and bring construction management, etc. Also, you should prior to the determination of the amount of mortgage you can qualify so it is not a problem if it time to pay back what you are lent.

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The first covered the top 5 investment banks Bear Stearns was in March of 2008. Founded in 1923, shook the collapse of this Wall Street icon of the world of high finance. By the end of May, the end of Bear Stearns was completed. JP Morgan Chase bought Bear Stearns at a price of $ 10 per share, in stark contrast to its 52 week high of $ 133.20 per share. Then came September. Wall Street, and the world watched in a few days, the remaining investment banks on the Top-5List tanked and the investment banking system was declared broken.

Investment Basics

The biggest investment banks are big players in the world of high finance, helping big business and money-governmental, inter alia, through the trading of securities in both the stock and bond markets as well as professional advice on the complex aspects of finance. These include such things as acquisitions and mergers. Investment banks also handle theTrade in a variety of financial investment vehicles, including derivatives and commodities.

This type of bank also has involvement in mutual funds, hedge funds and pension funds, which is one of the key ways is happening in what in the world of high finance is felt by the average consumer. The dramatic fall in the rest of the top investment banks affected retirement and investment not only in the United States but also throughout theWorld.

The High Finance ripoff This led them down

In an article titled "Too Clever By Half", on 22 Published September 2008, offering of Forbes.com, the Chemical Bank Chairman, Professor of Economics at Princeton University and author Burton G. Malkiel is an excellent and easy sharing of what has happened to follow closely. While the catalyst was for the current crisis in the mortgage and lending meltdown and the bursting of the housing bubble, the roots lie in what it Malkielcalls for the dissolution of the ties between lenders and borrowers.

What he refers to the shift from the banking era in which was a loan or mortgage made by a bank or lender and held that banks or lenders. Of course, as they were held on the debt and the associated risks, banks and other lenders pretty careful about the quality of their loans, and weigh the likelihood of repayment, or default by the borrower carefully, against standards that made sense. Banks and lenders postponedare of this model that, what Malkiel calls originate "and distribute" model.

Instead of holding mortgages and loans, mortgage originator, including (non-bank) would only loans until they could be in a range of complex mortgage or packaging Hold-backed securities, into different segments or tranches with different priorities in the right, divided payments received from the underlying mortgages, "with the same model, other types of loans, used aseliminate credit card debt and auto loans.

As these debt-backed assets were sold and traded in investment world, they have been increasingly leveraged, with debt-equity ratio and often even up to 30-to-1. These mistakes often found in a shady and unregulated system that was later called "shadow banking system. As the degree of leverage increases, so does the risk.

With all the money to be made in the shadow banking system, lenders became less choosyabout who they gave loans to because they no longer hold loans or risk, but slicing and dicing them, repackage and sell them at the station an asset. Crazy terms became popular, no money down, no docs required, and the like. Exorbitant exotic loans became popular and lenders steered the depths of the sub-prime market for still more loans to make.

Finally, the system almost ground to a halt with the fall in property prices and increased loan defaults and foreclosures,lenders with short-term loans to other lenders to make loans to such fear makes increasingly leveraged and illiquid entities. The decline in confidence could fall in stock prices as we shall see the last of the top investment banks in debt and uncertain investors feared drowned.

In September, Lehman Brothers did not choose takeover over collapse of Merrill Lynch, and Goldman Sacs and Morgan Stanley retreat to the status of bank holding companies, with potential acquisitions on the horizon.Some of these investment banks back from nearly a century, and many others, such as the 158-year-old Lehman Brothers. Quite an inglorious end for these historic giants of finance, through a system of high finance graft and shady deals, a system which, as it falls apart can also draw down at the end of the economy of the whole world destroyed.

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Investment funds are good investment option if you are looking for your financial goals are achieved. The best part about mutual funds is that they are of investment professionals and manages the risks are reduced because they receive the funds invested in the fund to diversify.

A company that invests in mutual funds your money in a variety of bonds, shares, securities and many other short-term investments Instruments. You will earn dividends, if a fund generates income, and on the other hand, the value of your shares from when the fund company faces a loss. Usually a professional wealth manager will do everything to preserve the buying and selling on your behalf so that you the best return on your investment.

There are different types of mutual funds, namely equity funds, bond funds and balanced> Fund.

Equity funds involve only common stock investments. They are extremely dangerous, but may end up making a lot of money. Fixed income funds are government and corporate securities issued. Fixed income funds offer fixed returns and the risk involved in these funds is very low. Balanced funds are a combination of bonds and equities. These funds have a very low risk factor, but your investment will not earn muchreturns.

Mutual fund shares are either bought by the fund company or a broker. The fund share is bought at the net asset value of the Fund. This is the price you have to pay if you buy a mutual fund shares and includes the shareholder fee.

The shares of the Fund to repay are. You can sell your shares back to the broker or to another customer. Most fund companies continue to create newTo sell shares in order to accommodate new investors.

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We humans are as creative on the "Dark Side" of commercial activity as we are in the development of beneficial new products and services. Given the enormous financial advantages, but some managers can not resist taking an extra dessert even before their shareholders have finished eating. Some scandals have stifled a greater impact on investors than others, and most products unwarranted levels of state regulation and control, the honest creativity.

Plain vanilla fraud andTheft are less worrisome to me than situations where the general acceptance of misinformation or "business as usual" practices inherently bad product ideas and blatant mismanagement is allowed by regulators to be accepted financial professionals, and myopically gullible consumers. Here are some candidates for future "Blockbuster Scandal Awards" (BS Awards, if you will): Variable Life Insurance & Annuities, Wrap Fee Managed Investment Accounts, Portfolio Window Dressing, AssetAllocation Mutual Funds, and Obscene Executive Compensation.

1) Insurance and Variable Annuities: Variable products are a relatively new thing in the insurance industry, circa 1980 or so. Previously called the conventional wisdom of the Shock Market much too risky for the guaranteed life insurance and annuity contract benefits. In fact, these benefits were "guaranteed" for so long that there is a general expectation of any on the market either for itself. So, whyState Insurance Departments in the cavity of variable size lobby? And what is not, since these products are marketed to potential stresses policyholders and pensioners?

As if the 8% sales commission on Straight were not enough life annuities, the addition of Mutual Fund Variable Annuity irresistible bonuses ... financial professionals. Similarly, this product is so lucrative for the companies that they manipulate their prices in order to become more competitive. Since theIntroduction of variable benefits, we have been more insurance company errors and scandals, and not just a few disappointed recipients of reduced pension payments. What is your plan to retire?

2) Wrap Fee Investment Accounts: From the beginnings of wealth, the very wealthy employed Investment Managers to protect and grow their portfolios. Most Investment Managers had only a few large customers that they tend to, while the rest of the fledging financial industry focused onProperty and real estate creation through life insurance. Most of today's (paid) Investment Managers are employed by Financial Institutions to supervise thousands of Mutual Funds for millions of investors of all financial shapes and sizes. There are more equity mutual funds than individual stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Most investors today will employ many Investment Managers and never actually speak allthem.

Enter the personally managed investment portfolio product of most major financial institutions offer. For a one-time fee, you get the personal service of a professional investment manager, and a portfolio specifically designed for you. Except, of course, that you are neither. You will receive exactly the same range as any other, and regardless of the price ... at once a fund with individual statements. But of course you can speak to the manager whenever youwant to change your asset allocation, set a reserve for an upcoming expenditure, etc. Yeah, sure, you can!

Note that "Flat Fee" managed accounts are very different and can even lead individually and personally.

3) Portfolio Window Dressing: Every quarter, every year we hear about the adjustments to make the portfolio managers as they look smart to try their largest customers. Now in a discipline (Investing) that they all officially recognize as a long termCommitment to a specific strategy or plan, why the Masters of the Universe spend so much time manipulating their short-term performance numbers? And why is it business as usual "instead of common fraud?

4) Asset Allocation Mutual Funds: Asset Allocation I see seem a little differently than most professionals and to regulate me and check that the portfolio structure that is the cost basis of securities rather than their market value. But how, logically, can aOne-size-fits-all Mutual Fund be the right mix for all investors? Here is a definition, which is on the Internet: "A fund, which in turn maximizing the stocks, bonds and money market securities return on investment and minimize risk." And a definition of Asset Allocation from a similar source: "The practice of distributing a certain percentage of a portfolio between different types of assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, cash, real estate,Options, etc. By diversifying an individual asset basis, we hope to create a favorable risk / reward ratio for a portfolio. "

In reality, Asset Allocation is a structure-planning tool, which is determined by what percentage of your investment portfolio is invested in economic growth in stocks and what percentage is to be invested for income production. The correct assignment is a function of the investor's age, marital status, financial status, employment status, retirement,Expenditure needs, risk tolerance, family responsibilities, etc. Diversification occurs within two (only two) asset classes. One size fits all ... Who's kidding whom?

5) Corporate Executive Compensation: I strongly believe that everyone has the right to become filthy rich, legally of course. I respect anyone who gets there honestly because their job success, opportunities, wealth creation and improved living standards for all. But once they sell their shares to the successfulCompanies to the public, they have a responsibility to share future profits and growth. Obscene executive suite compensation (up to the sedan) with a driver is simply stealing from shareholders.

Maintaining With each new scandal, a voracious media and a hypocritical Congress to strengthen the fear of investors shaken and call for greater regulation of the very organizations whose success, freedom, viability and competitiveness they should. Ironically, politicians are always theoutspoken critic ... probably because of their familiarity with the cover-ups and other irregularities. But no one ever questions the integrity of the financial institutions that invented to produce, price, and promotion of products and services that do much more to make long-term damage than the few (albeit serious and sensational) cases of false companies.

Four of the five nominees for this year's Blockbuster Scandal (BS) Award were created on Wall Street. The fifth is ignored by her. What bothersYou most?

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